Tips for Using Software When Teaching Piano | Piano Marvel

Tips for Using Software When Teaching Piano


As you search for the best music tools, check out these tips for using software when teaching piano. Provide your students with everything they need to excel. 

Teaching students how to master the beautiful art of piano can feel a bit challenging. That is especially so if you are teaching online lessons but aren't quite used to it. However, you will find yourself surprised to know that piano learning software is a great way to provide your students with the tools they need to understand the basics. Here are our tips for using software when teaching piano.  This will help you manage class time more efficiently, allowing you and your students to thrive.

What Is Piano Software?

If you haven't heard of piano learning software, you might find yourself perplexed by the idea. Piano learning software is precisely what it sounds like—it is an application for tablets and PCs that aids a student in learning. At Piano Marvel, we created our software for both teacher and student to make the process of learning fun, effortless, and easy. 

Great piano software provides teachers with better tools to help their students understand music in the dynamic way that piano demands. When you use our software, you can assign assessments and tailor lessons to individual learning needs.

Dynamic Teaching

We all learn best through different styles and at different rates. If you teach a large class, meeting everyone's needs can become challenging as everyone progresses at various speeds. As a result, you and the students may suffer. They might face more difficulties in learning, and sometimes the frustration can lead to giving up, which we want to avoid. 

In addition, you may feel overwhelmed as you try to meet everyone's requirements. With software, you don't have to worry, as everyone can learn at their own pace within the same class time.

Tips for Using Piano Software

Now that we've covered what this type of software is, let's dive into those tips for using software when teaching piano. Learning tools become more helpful when the teacher assigns them knowing the system's benefits. 

For the most success, you and your students should:

Although the software makes learning piano easier, you must structure lessons and homework in a way that will ensure success. Below, we'll get further into each of these tips, so you know what you need to do.

Have an Appropriate Setup

Your students will likely do lessons and assessments when they are at home, and unfortunately, you won't be around to keep a watchful eye and ensure they are playing correctly. That is why when you use our software, you’ll have the most success if you and your students have a MIDI-compatible piano, which will allow you to gain the most accurate assessments and feedback.  We want you to get the most out of our app, which is why we highly recommend a MIDI keyboard for your students if you are a piano instructor.

Keep the Software Updated

Everyone using the software should make the updates as they roll out. Why? Because updates often fix bugs within the system and sometimes offer new features. For example, our learning software may release an update that can further aid your instruction as a piano teacher. If you or the student neglect updates, you won't have access to these great tools. 

Moreover, the same goes for the electronic devices you will use for our software. Often, you may not receive the entirety of what our app has to offer if you don't keep your devices updated. You might notice you can't play our video lessons and find yourself frustrated when all you have to do is give your device an update.

Have Open Communication

Open communication is vital to any learning environment, even when you have the best tools at your fingertips. Remind students that you're always available to them. Also, remember to encourage your students to use the software and set realistic goals for themselves. One of the top benefits of our app is that your students can learn at their ideal pace and won’t feel forced to go beyond what's comfortable.

Continue Creating Challenges

Remind your students to set appropriate challenges according to their skill level and goals. For example, if you teach a large class instead of private lessons, consider setting up meetings with individual students. You can discuss their progress according to the app and set new goals. It is important that learning feels rewarding for them as it increases their likelihood of success and retention.

Finding the Best Piano Software

As you begin searching for the ideal software for your class, you'll likely find that the internet offers many options. Some options are superior to others. Create a checklist of top things you want in the software you use, such as:

All these items help take the difficulty out of teaching; students can spend their own time grasping the basics of notes and rhythm, so you can focus class time on teaching them other things such as how to play with greater musicality.  Plus, piano learning software that meets all your criteria will prepare students for every class. The best part is that we check off everything on the list above.  That is because our app is created by teachers for teachers. Piano Marvel knows exactly what instructors and students need to succeed.

Try Piano Marvel

Piano Marvel is powerful piano instruction software that provides your students access to all the essential criteria we've listed above. So, if your student practices a piece of music but plays the wrong notes or rhythm, they'll know.  As they play the piece, they'll receive a score based on how they did.  Additionally, any wrong notes played will be flagged as red, missed notes will remain black, while correctly played notes will show up as green. This way, they'll receive instant feedback on their performance and be able to identify areas for improvement.

Options Matter

Utilize our learning software with our vast library of music so everyone can learn how to play the type of music they like best. This becomes even more important if you teach a wide variety of age groups since older adults will have different preferences than teenagers. Often, students feel even more driven to learn when they find out they can play the music they love.

Keep Learning Fun

Even those who want to master piano to play in front of an audience need to love what they play.  Music is a powerful emotional outlet, and many musicians turn to their pianos to convey their feelings.  Piano learning software is a powerful tool that transforms learning into a process that works for everyone.


Learn to play piano online today with Piano Marvel!

  • Get real-time feedback as you learn
  • Over 25,000 popular songs and exercises
  • Designed by professional piano teachers